Education Awards 2020, Nominate Now!
Published date: 2020/02

It’s nearly time for the ‘Oscars’ of the Education Sector! Saturday 4th July will bring industry and education together as one and celebrate the ‘unsung heroes’ of the Education Sector at the Education Awards 2020!
We caught up with Jas Rohel, Founder and CEO of the Education Awards to find out what she’s looking forward to the most about the very first Education Awards:
“The real unsung heroes are the people that work in education, and nobody celebrates this. They put an immense amount of work in throughout the year and deserve recognition.
With teachers for example, it’s not just teaching that they do, they are social workers and parents, they take on all these roles in one.
When I’m thinking about the awards, I’m thinking about that one teacher that I really, really liked, who made a massive impact on me. We all know a teacher that has made a massive impact in our lives, who we wish we could go back and give an award to. These awards, to me, mean change.”
Nominations are now open, take a look at the 16 categories that will be awarded on the night. For a chance to be recognised for all the hard work that goes into education Nominate now.
Next week we’ll be talking to the judges about what they look for in a nomination.
Take a look at our Instagram highlight for a look into the awards!